It wished to buy the unique auto and soon he has contacted with several firms which specialize on orders of expensive things in Russia.
After one week, ostensibly representatives of one of firms(its name is not disclosed) have communicated with him and have suggested to buy unique model a Mercedes-Benz for 1 million dollars. They have sent the description and some photos of the car. Has been discussed, that the car will be delivered to territory of Russia in the closed truck to avoid greater tax at customs.
As an advance payment and a payment for delivery, the businessman has transferred 200000$ to swindlers account. Was supposed, that the businessman will give other money to the driver of the truck as soon as the car will be delivered. In two weeks the car has been delivered. But instead of a prospective Mercedes, there there was an old rusty machine which could collapse at any moment.
After that swindlers have disappeared.
The driver of the truck knew nothing about prospective "deal".
Here some photos of this car. The name of the businessman is not disclosed.

Also the site publishes small interview to the victim:
Tell, how have you found people who could sold u a car?
- They have called to me, have told that they have unique model of a Mercedes and they are ready to sell it to me for 1 million dollars
Why did you believe them?
- They have sent photos and all documents. Besides they've presented themselves to be the employees of the well-known firm My friends have already worked with that firm, so I believed them. As it appeared, they have no attitude to that firm.
Why you have sent 200000$ on they account?
- They have told that this money are necessary to legalize all necessary papers andto organize transportation to Russia.
What will you do with the machine sent to you?
- Haha, I think that I shall leave it to myself for the memory.
Whether you will search for criminals?
- Yes, I have already addressed in Office of Public Prosecutor, but I do not think that it will result in something.
Translated from